In my meme is a man standing visiting Machu Picchu in Peru. For anyone who does not know, Machu Picchu is a former Incan city from the 15th century that is located on a mountain ridge in southern Peru. The city is very well-preserved and still stands to this day, and many tourists visit each year. The photographer was the man’s father, who clearly has a tough time with the camera because his son’s head and the mountain range in the background are completely covered by his finger. This photo reminds me of my grandmother, who is constantly having problems with the cameras on her phone and tablet. She always asks us to wait for her to be ready before singing happy birthday because she wants to record it. I first started my search for a bad photo by looking for photos with poor resolutions, like some memes that I normally see. I couldn’t find anything I liked, so I changed my search to poorly taken photos, and this one seemed like the most G-rated to come up. After downloading my photo, I inserted it onto a Google slide and added a caption using the Helvetica Neue font. Once my meme was created, I snipped the photo and its caption and saved that screenshot.
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