Via an article from U.S. News on March 28, 2022 there were no state mask mandates. Only in healthcare settings in Maine are there any necessary mask mandates. Since then, there have been some large cities that have re-established some of their mandates with rising case numbers, but for the most part people are happy without the masks. Today in Florida, a federal judge voided the federal mandate for masking in an airport. With all of this unmasking, thousands of masks will go into the trash and let’s be honest here eventually into our oceans. With the fashion world, being as weird as it is I am surprised that a stylist has not tried to put masks have back into our everyday outfit. I made this picture using Google slides by grabbing a picture of a man, and then a picture of a mask with a transparent background. From there it was just a rotation and placement for fashion’s newest elbow pads.
